Care Community stories

Precious heirloom links past and future

11th June 2024 | 4 min read
Glenmore aged care

For many of us, family heirlooms are a vital thread linking our past to our present, to our future. For Margaret, who lives at Glenmore Park Care Community, preserving a much-loved family Bible helps to keep this thread intact.

Following a visit from a member of her church, Margaret shared the story of her Bible with wellbeing manager, Lora. Margaret explained she had inherited the Bible from her grandmother when she was nineteen.

“I’m not sure why I got the Bible because I have lots of siblings and cousins,” says Margaret. “I guess it was just meant to be. The Bible had receipts from the 1920s with my grandmother’s name. I still have them!”

Margaret has proven to be a wonderful custodian. And for her, the Bible recalls wonderful memories.   

“Every time I look at the Bible, it reminds me of my grandparents and how my grandfather couldn’t tell me and my twin sister apart,” says Margaret. “I have a birthmark on the back of my leg, and he used to turn us around to tell which sister was which. One day I cheekily drew a mark on my sister’s leg! My grandfather found out and I got into trouble, but that memory will always stay with me.”

Safeguarding memories

After sharing her story, Margaret told Lora she was worried the Bible was showing signs of wear and tear. Knowing how much Margaret’s Bible meant to her, Lora got in touch with a local book binder to see what could be done.

“He paid us a special visit and listened to Margaret’s wishes that as much of the Bible’s original features should be preserved,” says Lora. “Margaret was so happy when he assured her he could restore her Bible as she wished, keeping the special touches that made the Bible unique.”  

“He took the time to carefully explain what he would do, including reattaching loose pages, and restoring the leather on the cover.”

After a few weeks, Margaret was overjoyed to have her perfectly restored Bible in her hands.

“I’ve had the Bible for more than 50 years,” she says. “It means so much to me. It’s one of the few items I have from my childhood, and I’m so happy I will be able to pass it on when the time comes.”

“The smile on Margaret’s face warmed our hearts,” says Lora. “We’re so happy for her, and grateful we could help to make her wish come true.”