Care Community stories

Bringing the personal touch to wellbeing

5th February 2024 | 4 min read
Calamvale wellbeing

All of us have unique challenges, which can become particularly acute as we age. Our person-centred approach to care is based on meaningful engagement with our residents. And it works, as our residents at Calamvale Parklands Care Community could attest.  

Our team has seen especially pleasing results for residents with mobility challenges.

John came to our Care Community under difficult circumstances,” says General Manager Surakshya. “He wasn’t able to leave his bed and was struggling. He desperately wanted to be out in the community again. So John and our team worked together on an individualised walking program. Now John can walk with the help of a wheely walker, and he’s even out shopping!” 

In the last couple of weeks before moving in here I couldn’t stand up, couldn’t walk with my walker, was having multiple falls and I couldn’t remember the last time I had a delicious warm meal,” says John. “With all the care I have been showered with, I am able to walk again, I am going on shopping trips and outings, and I am attending the church again after a very long time. I finally have my life back thanks to this wonderful place.

Moving around under your own terms is empowering, and our team at Calamvale Parklands Care Community has seen residents blossom from personalised walking programs. 

Just like John, several residents who were previously only able to mobilise in wheelchairs are now walking with assistance and they’re more engaged than ever before,” says Surakshya. “Where they previously didn’t want to leave their rooms, they’re now taking part in our food focus meetings and other resident committees.” 

Having a deep understanding of residents’ individual preferences and motivations is central to stories like John’s.

We speak with all our residents to understand more about their lives, what drives them, and what they want to do more of,” says Wellbeing Manager Rana. “Our whole team gets involved, and that unearths even more opportunities for our residents. For instance, our cleaner Shobna knew one resident who wanted to fold napkins. We all want to feel valued, and folding napkins for meals delivers that sense of purpose for that resident.

One of our residents, Dawn, had a lifelong love of crafting but had trouble moving her hands, so we focused on extra hand massaging. That helped Dawn get her fingers moving again, just in time for Christmas craft season! Dawn was so happy and proud that she was able to help make our Christmas decorations and centrepieces. Seeing the joy in their loved ones matters so much to families, and Dawn’s daughter told us the change in her mother was amazing.”   

Calamvale Wellbeing

I’m forever grateful that my grandson arranged for my husband and I to move in to Calamvale Parklands Care Community,” says Dawn. “When we moved in, my hands were so swollen and painful I couldn’t make a fist and had lost the ability to knit or crochet, which I loved doing. Now thanks to some of the team members massaging my hands regularly, I have good flexibility in my hands again and I have just finished crocheting a knee rug.

Consistency is key,” says Surakshya. “Every day, our team checks in to make sure our residents are getting one-on-one time, driven by our residents’ preferences.

Wellbeing means different things to different people,” says Rana. “One of our residents who is living with dementia doesn’t like large group activities. Walking in the garden, taking in the sunshine and listening to the birds brings her joy, so we make sure she has that experience every day, as often as she needs.